Tunami Survivors – A Year Later 2

The second installment of a photojournalist Kuni Takahashi’s tsunami survivors’ stories has been published on his blog.


In this post, he talks to the 81-year-old woman from Kesennuma, Miyagi.

Tunami Survivors – A Year Later 1

A photojournalist Kuni Takahashi revisits tsunami survivors whom he had met right after the 3/11 disaster last year.

This is his first installment of the series of their stories, and he writes about a man from Onagawa, Miyagi:
(available in English and Japanese)

A Year After 3/11 in Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate

A photojournalist Munesuke Yamamoto went to tsunami and earthquake hit areas in Miyagi, Iwate, and Fukushima along with those places heavily affected by the nuclear disaster in early March.

His article with photos is here at his blog page:
A year after 3/11, has anything changed in the great tunami & Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster-hit area? (in Japanese)
google translated link is HERE

[Guardian] A year after 3/11

The Guardian has published a video and photos to look at March 11th.

Japan’s recovery from the tsunami and earthqake – in pictures

Japan tsunami: before and after (interactive)

Japan’s earthquake and tsunami retrospective – video (4min 58sec)

Radioactive materials in Fukushima

An independent union-rights activist and journalist Steve Zeltzer has recently visited Sendai, Miyagi and talks to Flashpoints on the Pacifica Radio network about the situation regarding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and among other issues related to Japan such as the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement or TPP.

Listen to the program here.
His talk starts around 47:00.